søndag 15. februar 2015

Back in business

So, after a "short" break in my blogging activity I'm back! January was pretty full-on with reports to write and exams to study for, and that was only for the fifth year subjects. At the same time the Industrial Project  was starting up for the 4th year students. This project is what will keep me busy this semester, that by the way lasts till the beginning of july! Which means that my summer holiday this year is seriously shortened!  But I'm sure the spring/beginning of summer in Valence will be pretty nice, and as my courses didn't start until mid-september last year I can't really complain. ( But I will miss VEKO!)
Winter in Valence: Not enough snow to stop to give me a day off...
The new year has also brought some new experiences. Amon others seeing palm trees with snow on :) The first snow fall also came with an e-mail from the university administration explaining how much snow is needed before you can stay at home with a clean conscience! (If the busses aren't going, the schools are closed) I was super excited by the prospect of getting a day off because of a little snow. But as it turned out they're not completely unprepared and I never got that extra day off...

galette des rois
This is a tradition i can like, it seems to be connected to the epiphany (helligetrekongersdag/trettendedagen) but they are sold throughout january. Inside, at least the in the bigger ones, there is a fève, a little figurine  made of porcelain. And whoever gets the figure also gets to wear the crown that comes with the cake.
Hipanema chillin and keeping me company
It's also the time for winter holiday, because of the project we didn't have one, but everybody else has a week or two in february. As my flatmates were going away I agreed to look after the cat. It went surprisingly well. Even though she woke me up at 6.30 everyday because she wanted to be fed. The same week I ended up getting the flu, or something like it, and it was quite nice to have some company.
My biggest weakness
I've picked up the bad habit of eating nutella with a spoon.... And I don't know how to stop! In an effort to limit my intake of this chocolaty substance I only buy the smallest jars available. But you can get nutella everywhere! And as there seems to be an endless supply of crêpes and nutella at every organised social event, it's not and easy addiction to kick. However, I've started climbing again and as the days gets longer the opportunities for things like skiing and biking are increasing. So apart from the obvious fact that there are definitively healthier food options out there i might continue eating my neutella without bigger consequences than feeling a bit sick :)

I'll try and get out a new post within a week, but no promises!

À Bientôt!

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